ONE of my dear photographer friend once said that he refused to get involve in shooting any ritual involving religion. Then i asked him, why? Then he said that its just his principle. Bewildered with his words, i went into a deep thought.
Talking about principle, i have my own little petty opinion which is evaporated from a quote i read. It goes some sort like this.. "Photographers know no language barrier. Because photographers talk in one language. It's Photography language."
For me, religion will not be the barrier to capture the moment. The most important thing is to know who you are and to hold on tight in what u believe. Because i do believe, once belief is formed, it takes a harder effort to change what you believe at the first place.
And this is some of the moment that i managed to capture during my outing with some other photographer friends to Thaipusam Celebration. Enjoy!

ada banyak sgt improvement..
capture pun cantik3.. suke gambar budak cukur sebelah rambut tu..
terima kasih cik siti.. hehe.. awak suka ek? nanti saya bagi.. ;)
not bad :P
cantik, i luv the photo of a woman cleaning herself with the water.
zayd : thank you.. ;)
zara~ab : i like it too.. thanx ;)
waaa....banyak cantek itu gamba aaa(sambil goyang2 pala stail kelly ng...huhu)...ekceli i suke itu gamba org ke dewa itu pakai spek...sbb apa aaa, sbb nmpk u tgh capture itu gamba laa...huhu...
wah gambo ko mmg ada class ler beb...angle menawan...tip top...good job
aku suke kuceng : wahaha.. banyak suka saya la bila komen juga ada u.. ahaks! :D
kebil : uiihh.. jgn gitu.. saya budak baru belajar.. masih banyak ruang untuk diperbaiki.. apa-apa pun.. terima kasih kepada enche kebil kerana meluangkan masa singgah ke blog ini.. ehehe.. ;)
i suka ngan pic B&W. ambient di sebalik gamba tersebut memang memukau from renungan mata budak tu, i can feel the moment from that picture. Terbaik!
thanx.. i like urs too.. ;)
Reading the entry, I think your friend has a valid point.
I kind of refrain myself to shoot religious proceedings actually, which is contrary to popular beliefs - that is I surely will go shoot such interesting event like Thaipusam!
Why? Because I think there are just too many photographers already (talking about Batu Caves) for comfort to the Hindus trying to practice their religion.
Am not saying the every religions are the same but the fact remains that I am a Muslim and I surely wud not feel comfortable if there are just too many photographers around me when I am performing Hajj, for instance.
Religious issues aside, out of respect of our Hindu friends and camaraderie to fellow photographers, I refuse to bring more counts of DSLR users in that area thus refrained myself to be there again this year...though the main reason was actually I had to work all day long during that break!
Well, maybe next year...perhaps? Maybe somewhere else than the famous spots, when I am fully prepared and know more details about the rituals and meanings of each proceedings so that I can write a full documentary instead of just getting interesting shots.
Nice shots by the way!
A very sensible opinion torqxic_inc. Agreed! BIG time..! Hehe.. Thanx anyway for spending ur time visiting my blog..really appreciate that.. Thank you.. ;)
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