THIS IS A POST ABOUT ME. Salam. My Name is Farina Ariffa. In case you are wondering, of course I have my official name written nicely on MyKad. But I had this little funny idea that it will be not so cool to introduce myself with my real name.
COOL. Is that the reason why I love being who I am today? Well, maybe. Like one of my photographer friend said to me, “A Photographer is the coolest person on earth. Let it be war, world disaster or a holocaust, u name it, there will be for sure at least one photographer capturing things that we might not have the chance to see from our own eyes in million years.”
AM I A PHOTOGRAPHER? Yes. I would like to reckon myself so. I love to capture just about everything through my lenses. Which is sometimes result in me the un-focus-ness shots. Because I believe, to get a very good shot is to be very focus.
FOCUS. That’s what I want you to do. This blog is not about showing the perfect shots that I’ve got (since I never had one). But this blog is about sharing things that I see through my lenses, with hope that u will understand it without me trying to explain it thoroughly.
HERE. I guess that will be all about my first post. U are very much welcome to leave me as many comments as u love to. Sharing is caring. Till then, see u in my next post.
p/s: Forgive me for my badly poor English. I’m just longed to practice using it. ;)

I love Green..!!
best la ko punya...katak.hahahahhaha..pe2 good luck to your blog ..jgn hangat2 tahi ayam je..update la..
wah..farina, dah ada blog la..best2..erm, setuju dengan kata2 dari kawan awak tu..photographer ni memang punya tanggungjawab yan besar dan best..teringat pula kata2 dari James Nachtway dari VII Photo Agency di dalam DVD dokumentary beliau
" taking their pictures, i representing them as a voice to the doing that, i personally helping them to live with my photos that i send to publish.."-semasa dia buat tugasan di Indonesia..
Lawatan sambil belajar....
Terus berblog :D
dah add ur RSS... :)
selamat membloging my pren...slalu apdet la baru besshh mcm mkn cokodok pisang hangat2...huhuhu...sedapnya!!!
hardisk_crack : Terima kasih.. Aku pun harap aku akan terus rajin update.. huhu.. ;)
ian ahmad : Hehe.. ya.. setelah sekian lama, kini saya mempunyai sebuah blog.. Terima kasih atas sokongan saudara.. ;)
rasso : Yess.. Terus berblog..! ;)
aku suke kuceng : Aku pun suke kuceng gak.. tetiba je teringat cekodok pisang panas emak aku la.. perghh.. ;P
EEee.. katakk! suka katak ye
wah!blog yg tidak kosong,tahniah the launching fresh blog,lepas nie bubuh la gambar2 menarik hasil kerja kamera hang nooo...
uncle_dyn : suka yang kiut2 jer.. ;)
azreen_hc77 : insyaallah.. akan diusahakan.. :)
the frog is vcute
thanx ct_cucubi ;)
wah wah wah.. best la tgk/bacer ur blog nih..terasa mcm nak buat gak jer...hehhehe tapi i byk gambor wedding jer hehehhehe....akhirnya jumpa gak website2 farina nih...
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