Salam diucap pembuka bicara.. Dah lama rupanya saya tinggalkan blog ni.. dah usang dan bersawang.. huhuuu.. ada lagi ke tetamu yang ingat jalan nak datang ke sini..?
Tak apalah.. jika tidak ada tetamu sekali pun.. tuan rumah tetap kena bersihkan rumput di halaman dan sesawang di alang.. Banyak juga yang perlu dikemaskan ni..
Oklah.. saya minta diri barang seketika untuk melakukan sedikit kerja-kerja sisih dan sapu..
Tunggu kejap ye.. ;)
Let me let u see what i saw..
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
A lot of things went through my life recently.. Find a new love.. then lost the old one.. Gain some new things.. but broke some old stuff.. and that makes me sometimes sitting down thinking what am i doing.. And at the end of the day.. I start to realized.. that this is life.. It will bring you to the place u may never know until u reached there..
I lost my beloved nenek in one serene morning.. and as a Muslim, its not a nice thing to cry over the death since it believed to put on the burden on the deceased.. But forgive me.. as a grandchild who grown up with my late nenek, i can't hold my tears from dropping down drowning my own feet..
I lost my beloved nenek in one serene morning.. and as a Muslim, its not a nice thing to cry over the death since it believed to put on the burden on the deceased.. But forgive me.. as a grandchild who grown up with my late nenek, i can't hold my tears from dropping down drowning my own feet..
And because of love.. this post is tribute to my beloved nenek.. may her soul will rest in peace..

Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Opposition
SEJUJURNYA.. saya bukanlah seorang yang sangat meminati isu berkenaan politik.. Dan sejujurnya.. saya ke Kampung Limau malam tadi atas dasar ingin mengambil gambar untuk koleksi saya sendiri.. Ini kerana peristiwa seperti ini cuma terjadi 5 atau 4 tahun sekali.. Jadi saya terfikir agak rugi jika saya tidak merebut peluang untuk merakamkan antara sorotan peristiwa penting yang sedang berlangsung ini.. Saya tidak mahu menyatakan saya berada di pihak mana disini (kerana undi anda adalah rahsia.. huhu..) Namun saya cuma mahu berkongsi moment yang sempat saya rakamkan.. Jadi.. Lihatlah.. ;)

Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Terima Kasih
Terima kasih Tuhan kerana mengurniakan saya sahabat-sahabat yang penyayang dan baik hati..
Terima kasih wahai sahabat-sahabat kerana mengingati satu tarikh biasa yang amat bermakna..
Terima kasih abg Eruwan @ Rock (my twin soul) kerana ucapan yg sangat manis.. U are the first who wishing me those sweet words.. (i grew up with ur wisdom words..).
'Mr J'.. Terima kasih kerana sangat prihatin terhadap anak buahmu.. :)
Terima kasih T-niez, senyuman ko dah cukup utk buat aku tersengih lebar.. haha..
Kassim.Selamat.. u are among the earliest.. Thanx.. ;)
Terima kasih Ian Ahmad untuk ingatan.. And thanx for being very supportive..
'My'.. if u read this.. u know who u are.. thank you for the dedication.. kalo xnak bagi adiah pun xper.. saya xkisah la.. Terima Kasih atas ucapan..
Ieta.. ko memang best.. pagi2 lagi aku dah dengar lagu.. haha..!
Lydia oh Lydia.. biler nak dpt mug bunga-bunga..? Eheh! ;)
Enche Adiman.. Terima kasih untuk ucapan.. haha.. dan yang pastinya bukan 30 yer.. ;)
Dass.. think i got a new name for u.. how about Haiqal..? Thanx for da wish.. Really appreciate that.. ;)
To Azim.. u are the best partner that i ever found.. Thanx for da shortest bufday song that i've ever heard.. hehe.. :)
And last but surely not least.. I thought u've forgot.. and that makes me went emo for awhile.. but luckyly u didnt.. kalo x.. heh! Bila maw bagi itu Tamron 12-24mm..? (Hehe.. just kidding honey..)
Thanx for everyone of u.. For those who i mentioned their name.. and for those who i didnt.. Its just a matter of alphabetical order.. trust me.. U do have a special space in my heart..!
p/s : Dr. Radzuan.. if u read this.. Thanx for the very advanced presents.. Tgh tgu anak kangaroo pulak neh.. eheh! ;)
Terima kasih wahai sahabat-sahabat kerana mengingati satu tarikh biasa yang amat bermakna..
Terima kasih abg Eruwan @ Rock (my twin soul) kerana ucapan yg sangat manis.. U are the first who wishing me those sweet words.. (i grew up with ur wisdom words..).
'Mr J'.. Terima kasih kerana sangat prihatin terhadap anak buahmu.. :)
Terima kasih T-niez, senyuman ko dah cukup utk buat aku tersengih lebar.. haha..
Kassim.Selamat.. u are among the earliest.. Thanx.. ;)
Terima kasih Ian Ahmad untuk ingatan.. And thanx for being very supportive..
'My'.. if u read this.. u know who u are.. thank you for the dedication.. kalo xnak bagi adiah pun xper.. saya xkisah la.. Terima Kasih atas ucapan..
Ieta.. ko memang best.. pagi2 lagi aku dah dengar lagu.. haha..!
Lydia oh Lydia.. biler nak dpt mug bunga-bunga..? Eheh! ;)
Enche Adiman.. Terima kasih untuk ucapan.. haha.. dan yang pastinya bukan 30 yer.. ;)
Dass.. think i got a new name for u.. how about Haiqal..? Thanx for da wish.. Really appreciate that.. ;)
To Azim.. u are the best partner that i ever found.. Thanx for da shortest bufday song that i've ever heard.. hehe.. :)
And last but surely not least.. I thought u've forgot.. and that makes me went emo for awhile.. but luckyly u didnt.. kalo x.. heh! Bila maw bagi itu Tamron 12-24mm..? (Hehe.. just kidding honey..)
Thanx for everyone of u.. For those who i mentioned their name.. and for those who i didnt.. Its just a matter of alphabetical order.. trust me.. U do have a special space in my heart..!
p/s : Dr. Radzuan.. if u read this.. Thanx for the very advanced presents.. Tgh tgu anak kangaroo pulak neh.. eheh! ;)
Sunday, February 10, 2008
CNY di Melaka

KHAMIS lepas saya, Cikgu SAR, Desired_use, arie_marcello, Reez, Oly dan Zul telah beramai-ramai menuju ke Melaka. Tujuan utama adalah untuk mengambil gambar suasana sambutan Tahun Baru Cina. Namun bukanlah outing namanya sekiranya tidak diselitkan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti 'OT'(Out of Topic) antaranya seperti model shoot (tetiba je semua photog pandai lak bergaya jadik model.. huhu.. buktinyer.. lihat lah gamba di atas.. ;)) dan layan sunset di Pantai Klebang.
Tanpa membuang masa, mari kita lihat gamba-gamba yang telah berjaya saya amek..

Thursday, January 31, 2008
..Get Well Soon..

IT was a very sunny afternoon when I decided to take a walk around my backyard back at my home sweet home. It's not an ordinary walk. It's a walk with my father. He is not in a really good condition and his health is one of the things he do not proud of to talk about today. The fever just keep coming back to strike his immune system. And this make our walk went as slow as we get.
It's been quite a while we did not doing this, walking together and sharing some old memories.
Sometimes my father blow up a laugh deep from his throat. A laugh that sound more like he is holding a pain in it. I intended to get a portray of him but my hands start shaking and my eyes getting watery when I saw a paint of mark on his back caused by spending too much time lying on bed. Thus, I wish he can get out of bed longer and the mark will just vanish. But at his age, only miracle can save him from not having any health difficulties. And looking back at his photos now, only one rhyme that keep rewind in my head.. Get Well Soon, father.

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